Friday, October 8, 2010

Just a Little Share

Yesterday once the rain has stopped, I took an ojek to bring me to train station. Once arrived, I saw a needy was standing in front of the train station. I was about to forgot the hunchbacked needy, when I realized that he was stroking his stomach with pain faces. I was even passed him to rush for my train though my brain would still thinking of that poor man. Somehow, the train got delayed and then I made quickly turn over and put one coin into plastic glass on his hand. I knew my one coin would not help him, but I hope there were lots of people would gave him their one coin. Thereafter, I ran at soonest back to the station. 

The station which was flooded by black hair, almost convince me that no available seat in the train and during able to stood up and holding one clasp, suddenly an old man gave me his seat. Do you know how cool was that? That was so cool. I was surprised and happily accept his offer with gratitude. I deeply thought that the old man was send by God for me. What do you think? :)

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