Friday, April 27, 2012

Banana, Orange and Butterfly

It's funny to know that butterflies actually also like to eat fruits. Haha,,,,Am I the one who late to know this or perhaps people also do not aware of this matter? :) Frankly speaking, I do not know whether butterflies indeed eat those fruits or just take its juice.  Perhaps the last one.

I like to watch butterflies. They are beautiful creation. For me, the most interesting part about butterfly is that they come from totally different shape and must undergo hard process of releasing their body and wings from cocoon to be able to soaring into the sky. It shows the process of life, that all creatures should face their difficulties, and evolve to become mature and beautiful.

Not only butterfly' wings beautiful, but also its cocoons. Though not all cocoon are beautiful. I was realized that there are various color of cocoon, start from chocolate, green, even the golden colored cocoon also exist. I saw that during my visit to one of South East Asia's zoo which has Butterfly Park. Can you guest it? ^^ OK, let's check the picture of butterflies enjoying bananas and oranges .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Looking for a job in Jakarta

Indonesia is a land where lots of jobs opportunities available there in. Especially in big cities, such as Jakarta (the capital city), Surabaya (trading city), Balikpapan (oil, migas), Medan (trading). Additionally, Indonesia definitely is not lacking for human resources, for we are on the 4th rank country with most population,yet sometimes question occur, asking on why there are still lots of people unemployed.

I will write in simple-general term only, and for Jakarta overview only, because job hunting is not a simple issue here. Okay, mostly companies are having difficulty to hire new employees. For people who do not know much about Indonesia, you should know that living costs in Indonesia, especially its big cities is considered on high side. Including, of course, Jakarta as the capital city. Though foreigner often said that living costs in Indonesia is affordable, it is not equivalent with salary received by local. We can not compare salary based on US or Europe standard with Indonesia's standard, right? Even the currency rate already different. Should I mentioned that foreign workers usually have different scale of salary? Okay, I already mentioned it. Therefore salary often becomes crucial point to determine working agreement in Jakarta. If job hunter could not find the desired jobs, they usually find it on other cities or even abroad when the expected salary is higher and could adequately support living cost.

Further, qualification required by company sometimes could not match with the candidates. Not that Indonesian have no good skills and knowledge, but because of some jobs require high qualification. On the other side, high education is not at cheap price here which causes not all Indonesian could enjoy good education. Surely education is vital to enable Indonesian competes within global working environment or even in Jakarta as home for hundreds of job opportunities.

Anyone has other/different comments? please do let me know :)


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Local Product, Esemka

Few weeks ago, people in Indonesia were busy discussing about Esemka. It is a product name of local car and was made by high school students in Indonesia. It's a kind of family car which could fit up to 8 person at max (well, don't forget that Indonesian mostly have slim body :) ).

The test carried out by local institution confirmed that Esemka is safe to drive. The local government even supported Esemka to grow. They wished for Esemka to be established and well grow in Indonesia. Nonetheless, it is not an easy path to establish local automotive products. Lots of interests involved here. One of the difficult issue is that our government has huge debt to foreigners. They bound to the contract and should support foreign' product growth here. Well, not all contract having win-win solution, right? At least, this is the best that I've known so far. Pitty Esemka. I could do nothing to support their growth, but I wish our government could help it. Let us wait and see the progress. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dufan - Indonesia Fantasy World

Dufan or called Dunia Fantasi is the oldest and the biggest play park in Indonesia. It's located in North Jakarta.

I often go there sincere very little, considering it is one of attraction available here. But during weekend the queue is awful. Hate it. Better to go during workdays.

Here is few pictures of Dufan's attraction :

                                                Tornado, my fave!

                                                  One of Dufan' mascot

During weekend, the ticket costs IDR 150,000. Nevertheless, sometimes discount available up to 50%. People should check Dufan first prior to get there.

Carnaval of Dufan' mascot is usually on Sunday afternoon. Besides the mascot, there will be attractive dancers and beautiful flowers in advance. My fave game attraction is Tornado. Two lines of people sitting back to back on the long bar of seats and upon ready, the bar will raise to the sky and turn around to the right and left and up and down,,,haha,,quite dizzy if you close your eyes. I do enjoy this game very much so that directly run for the next queue once finished it :) Do not close your eyes, It will help to reduce our scares.

Besides Tornado, lots of attractive games available too, such as Halilintar, Bainglala, Burung Tempur, Poci2 , etc. For beach lovers, you can go to Ancol. It is a beach near Dufan, still within one location, though you must walk or bring your car to reach it.

Additional information that not everyone knows is that we could buy one middle cup of cold drinks at Starbucks cafe at the entrance of Dufan with friendly price, IDR 10,000 by showing our entry tickets. It's nice, isn't it? :)

Finally, there are lots of attraction that I do not write in here. Should you have free time in Jakarta, do come and see Dufan, and don't forget to use hat. It's really hot there,,,:D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Do you have a close friend or best friend? Someone close to you and could understand you? Even the distant is far, you can still feel that your heart is close to your best friend's. I do have one.

Coincidentally, I watched Japan dorama, Nana. It directly stuck into my mind. I could only remember one name, after watching that dorama. My best and far away friend, Mia one-chan. I miss you so much one-chan. I know you are far away and is now facing difficulty. Be strong, I am always here for you,,,,I pray for you and hope that someday we could met again.

Graduation Day

I attended my sister graduation day last week. Somehow it remains me of my graduation day. Old memories soaked my mind. 6 Years already passed, and I do appreciate old memories I have. Especially the good one, such as graduation day. Separation with dear friends is not easy, but we all need to move forward. This is life.

Now, me and my friends already spread over. Time surely flies. We do not know what future will bring us. Nevertheless, let us happily face our time, our present, as appreciation for the life experiences God already given :) Be happy, God is always with us :)

Heart Shaped Bread

I found this huge, not too sweet, delicious, crunchy, heart shaped bread in one store near Barcelona Cathedral. Did I write near Barcelona Cathedral? yup,,,yup,,,,I found this delicious bread near Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia aka Barcelona Cathedral. In one of their beautiful stores. I will share stories about Barcelona next time, ok? :)

The point is that I do really like this simple and huge bread as friend of my journey. Let see its picture here :

Hohoooo,,,,Wel, it's not quite a heart shape anymore, cause I already ate it few bites :)). Do you see little white color spread on the top of the bread? Its sugar. Yet, the taste of the bread is not too sweet, which is good for me. This crunchy bread could last for 3 days. I wish someday I could eat this bread again along with warm tea, in its shop with the beautiful scenery of Barcelona City and Cathedral. Me likey.