Friday, April 27, 2012

Banana, Orange and Butterfly

It's funny to know that butterflies actually also like to eat fruits. Haha,,,,Am I the one who late to know this or perhaps people also do not aware of this matter? :) Frankly speaking, I do not know whether butterflies indeed eat those fruits or just take its juice.  Perhaps the last one.

I like to watch butterflies. They are beautiful creation. For me, the most interesting part about butterfly is that they come from totally different shape and must undergo hard process of releasing their body and wings from cocoon to be able to soaring into the sky. It shows the process of life, that all creatures should face their difficulties, and evolve to become mature and beautiful.

Not only butterfly' wings beautiful, but also its cocoons. Though not all cocoon are beautiful. I was realized that there are various color of cocoon, start from chocolate, green, even the golden colored cocoon also exist. I saw that during my visit to one of South East Asia's zoo which has Butterfly Park. Can you guest it? ^^ OK, let's check the picture of butterflies enjoying bananas and oranges .

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