Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fun Jobs

My brother said all the jobs are actually the same. There are no fun job. I hate his statement. How could you said that bro? There should be fun job available in this world!!!! The point is that he tried to explain to me no all happy times at every kind of job. Probably he is right, but still I don't agree.
Check out the food tester, and clown, oh and comedian alsoooo. They seem really enjoy their job and mostly always happy. 

Food tester : This is not mouse, but human (food tester person). Food tester person can eat all food to be tested on their mouth. You do know all good food factory have this division, right? Looks yummy and who can reject free yummy food anyway? ^^. I can't. Bring me free ice cream and choco, baby ^^.
Clown : the clown always happy, and try to make people smiling. They seem enjoy their funny work. Look at their smiling lips, at all day and all time.
Comedian : they always laughing every time. This explain why comedian looks younger and fun.

Though all jobs are seemed the same by my brother, he makes exceptions for artist. Artist is the most enjoyable profession and job in the world, he said. For this one, I'm agree. Artists always do what they want, say what they want to say and create everything they like to do. Argghhhh,,,,,so much fun,,,,,Well, though probably becoming an artist would not make you rich in Indonesia (though few artists in Indonesia becoming very rich too), but west country will of course appreciate artist more.  Should I consider of becoming an artist?....hahahaaa,,,,,me, of becoming curly and sexy artist? jiahahhaa,,,,I really sometimes loose control of myself :D, but probably I will be looked very sexy.

Back to reality, I am just an ordinary typical office worker^^!. I am grateful for my job, but I hate getting difficult tasks. It requires me overtime and it often make me headache!!!!!!!,,,,,argghhh,,,,,no worries, I can handle it, perhaps, if I want to handle it.  Perhaps, if I 'm indeed need to find new solution, sexy artist could be a good choice, followed by food tester person :D,,,yihaaa,,,,,*syndrome of the end of Sunday*

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bad air pollution in Jakarta

If you're driving your own motorcycle or bicycle in Jakarta (note : I do not count cars), you will definitely know what I am going to talk about. Can you guess??...nope, try harder then,,,,It's about bad air pollution in Jakarta. 
I am a driver of 40 km/day, with motorcycle and complete hand gloves including mask. Don't forget the helmet. It is a must. What becoming my concern is that the mask wouldn't help me much to filter the CO2. I still strongly smell the CO2. I know I am still stronger right now. A young adult and beautiful face and curly hair, and,,,(narcissism mode should off now) :D but hey, how about few years later? though I'm young, who can guarantee my healthiness? no one (I think I write stupid question hahaha,,,). Hikssss,,,,,I see Indonesian government find no result for this. Should we clap our hand now? YES!!!!!!!,,,what a great Indonesian government. 

I will tell you a secret. In Jakarta, the buses (If you read KOPAJA or METRO MINI then you already find our bus) are having more than 10 years of ages. More than 15 years even. Our buses are so pity and awful. I do remember use the same bus since very child and keep on wondering why our government could not afford to buy the new one. We still use the same bussssses....They know that the smoke are soooooo baadddddd that we can see the air in black color behind the bus, but classic reason always used : We do not have enough budget. Oh please! or probably other reason : we are having overloaded population and it is really difficult to maintain a city with already miss-management plan. Well, this is complicated, indeed, but I think government should consider to remove the capital city to a new city. A new city that having good plan and management. Further, vehicles limitation might also help. Raising the tax for vehicle and practice maximum years limitation for the vehicles could also be considered.  Maybe Jakarta could be saved. Maybe. This makes me miss Europe.

Lazy Syndrome


This is the topic which I wish not to discuss at all. Not because I'm avoiding something, but this is something that I have tried to fight for a long, long timeee,,,,

So, once upon a time in beautiful country,,,,,,okay, never mind this sentence. Let's skip to next paragraphs.

*sigh* lazy syndrome,,,,has anyone heard this term? If not, then I am the one who create it. Yayy,,, This not something to be proud of, actually. This is the best syndrome that killing people, well at least for me. How do I describe this?...umm,,,I am a sleepy head person. Really a sleepy head person. Many of my friends have confirmed that I am the sleeping princess who able to sleep anywhere and anytime. Wait, this is still not lazy syndrome??,,,,Okay, back to main topic. Lazy syndrome that I mean is similar to laziness, but in a very bad stage. We feel lazy, but sometimes or mostly unable to resist it. That is bad. It cause difficulties to life and relation with other. I was even hate myself for this. Have anyone experienced this too? In example, I am going to apply a new job at one big company with limited dead line and vacant seats. The dead line is 14 days from today. Today I am thinking that I still have lots of days to submit my application. The same thoughts happen to me for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the next day and the next day until finally I reach the day prior the deadline. So I often harshly fill up the bloody lots of forms and end up too tired for my great super hero action. It is such a good for me not missed the deadline. 

Other example is that when I have to go to office. My office hour start at 08.30 am, but since I often go home late (almost everyday), and I have no spirit to come to office besides to earn money monthly (Aha!), I reach office at 09.00 or even 09.30 or even 10.00. OHHHH NOOOOOOO. Such a bad attitude I have. hikss. This is killing. I do not want my action cause troubles to others. Such a bad manner. I Hope I could erase my lazy syndrome soon. Could anyone here provide advice for me? perhaps, one of you have the same syndrome?  Do you think I create too much excuses for myself?

I do remember a quote (note: I forget who crate this quotation) : "We could never change the world, but we can always change ourselves" . I say AMEENNNN.....^^