Friday, October 7, 2011

Bad air pollution in Jakarta

If you're driving your own motorcycle or bicycle in Jakarta (note : I do not count cars), you will definitely know what I am going to talk about. Can you guess??...nope, try harder then,,,,It's about bad air pollution in Jakarta. 
I am a driver of 40 km/day, with motorcycle and complete hand gloves including mask. Don't forget the helmet. It is a must. What becoming my concern is that the mask wouldn't help me much to filter the CO2. I still strongly smell the CO2. I know I am still stronger right now. A young adult and beautiful face and curly hair, and,,,(narcissism mode should off now) :D but hey, how about few years later? though I'm young, who can guarantee my healthiness? no one (I think I write stupid question hahaha,,,). Hikssss,,,,,I see Indonesian government find no result for this. Should we clap our hand now? YES!!!!!!!,,,what a great Indonesian government. 

I will tell you a secret. In Jakarta, the buses (If you read KOPAJA or METRO MINI then you already find our bus) are having more than 10 years of ages. More than 15 years even. Our buses are so pity and awful. I do remember use the same bus since very child and keep on wondering why our government could not afford to buy the new one. We still use the same bussssses....They know that the smoke are soooooo baadddddd that we can see the air in black color behind the bus, but classic reason always used : We do not have enough budget. Oh please! or probably other reason : we are having overloaded population and it is really difficult to maintain a city with already miss-management plan. Well, this is complicated, indeed, but I think government should consider to remove the capital city to a new city. A new city that having good plan and management. Further, vehicles limitation might also help. Raising the tax for vehicle and practice maximum years limitation for the vehicles could also be considered.  Maybe Jakarta could be saved. Maybe. This makes me miss Europe.

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