Sunday, December 11, 2011

Steak !


This is one of my fave food in the world.

Yeah,,,yeah,,,I like to eat any kind of steak with various sauce. Ribs, tenderloin, etc, etc,,,,hehehe. I'm not quite remember on when I start to like this kind of food. This actually not our native food, but somehow I get used to it ^^.

Last time I went to American Grill restaurant with my cousin and friend at one of shopping mall nearby our home. The restaurant is quite cozy with American style, but I forgot to take interior pictures. At least I did not forget to take picture of the steak :). I thought I choose ribs with barbeque sauce and drink a huge glass of ice tea. The size of the steak is actually not so big. On the plate we got not only steak, but also baked potatoes and few vegetables. I like the texture of the steak. The taste also rich. Additional to the steak, we got free and unlimited appetizer, and dessert. Wuahhhh,,,,like it! especially the desert. The dessert were not really sweet. This is good for me, cause I don't like too sweet dessert which is bad for teeth and get your stomach feeling of fullness. Hahaha,,,,,In general, I like the steak, appetizer and dessert offered in this restaurant. The price is not quite expensive too. Worth to try.

I remember one really affordable steak restaurant in Bandung city. Students like to eat there. Well, its not really a restaurant, it is a tend restaurant, typically Indonesia. It named Road Cafe. I missed to eat there. It located at Cisangkui streest. Famous for its youghurt and steak. Someday I visit Bandung, I shall have a dinner at Road Cafe again.

American Grill steak 

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