Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Season ^o^


Can you feel that air?....Can you hear the bell ringing?....Can you sniff the smell????.....The air is quite chill and warm at the same time....:D....

Blue twinkle X'mas tree

It's almost Christmas. Almost. I usually build a miniature of little cave and Christmas tree, but I have not build that yet. I will, however, find a way to build the cave and Christmas tree prior to the Day. Anyway, since I am kind enough,,,hehe...(can you see the angel circles on the top of my head?).. :)...I will share few nice pics of Xmas season surround me, well this is not include cave build inside the Church. I have not seen the Church's cave yet. This pictures, at least, give me Christmas Season feelings. Enjoy!  
Snowman with his house. The house should made from snow, right? It's cute though
Ehmm....This one is made by me, and stand right in front of office's door. I think we need Santa to bring presents

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Little Break Off

Green Tea Freeze
Hey...Hey....Are you a workaholic? coz I am unconscious workaholic. Well, not a hundred percent workaholic too, but when I am on a madness high work spirit I think working becomes my boyfriend. Haha....silly me. Surprisingly is that I did not notice that I am a workaholic. My friend is the one who told it to me. 

So, the next surprising thing is that I have passed two years of working at this present company. Crazy to think that overloaded working has caused unawareness of time's speed, and It's December already!!!...Oh My God. Christmas is coming ...yeay...but I have to complete my tasks soon.....which is mean that I could not often open my blog *excuses mode on* hahaaa.....such a lazy girl. So now I am asking to myself on why I am so lazy for myself but extremly super duper diligent for others (in this case is overtime office working attitude). Sigh. Come on Girl, only you are the master of your life. Never neglect private needs. I guess a little break off is soo important and so, suddenly this afternoon I went to nearby mall, driving  my cute red motorcycle with only little idea on what I am going to do therein. After having tried few nice hats and buy none, I finally bought a big portion of Green Tea Freeze. Ummm....made from green tea with ice blend, but without whip cream as per its original. I don't like whip cream. With spending IDR 34,000 I could have a cup of cooler for my heart, head and soul...Haha...:D :D Have a great weekend all. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blue Feelings

Ah…confuse…confuse…. I think there is something wrong with me. Seriously….hahaha. No appetite, bad mood, could do nothing. Really dangerous for I am feeling weird and awry for days.….OH  NO !!  I am sure this is not a pre-menstruation syndrome cause I  am aware of the period. What’s happen to me? Could somebody help me, please?

I have bought yummy foods, still it did not relieve. Got lots of sleeps already but it made me even headache for its excessive. Furthermore, this freaky hot weather is successfully torturing me *sigh*. Arghh…I hope it would end soon. It has to since I have lots of plans and things to do. I know I can through this. Rise up and Ganbatte girl!!!....

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just a Little Share

Yesterday once the rain has stopped, I took an ojek to bring me to train station. Once arrived, I saw a needy was standing in front of the train station. I was about to forgot the hunchbacked needy, when I realized that he was stroking his stomach with pain faces. I was even passed him to rush for my train though my brain would still thinking of that poor man. Somehow, the train got delayed and then I made quickly turn over and put one coin into plastic glass on his hand. I knew my one coin would not help him, but I hope there were lots of people would gave him their one coin. Thereafter, I ran at soonest back to the station. 

The station which was flooded by black hair, almost convince me that no available seat in the train and during able to stood up and holding one clasp, suddenly an old man gave me his seat. Do you know how cool was that? That was so cool. I was surprised and happily accept his offer with gratitude. I deeply thought that the old man was send by God for me. What do you think? :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Letters to Juliet

Yup. One of my fave movie. 

Once people read the title, I bet they could suddenly guess this as comedy romantic movie. I know that love story would never dies, but personally this movie is so well entertaining and charming me. The story line is light and easy to be predicted. The view is awesome with wine yards, old buildings, cheese from Italy. A fresh journey for hungry eyes like mines. 

Urgh....so...so....what is the movie about? The movie is about a Girl (Sophie) who help a woman (Claire Smith) and her grandson (Charlie) to find her 50 years lost true love in Italy. Amazingly, they can find Claire's true love! Sure, we can also guess Sophie will end up together with Charlie. So there is happily ever after ending for all. haha...The characters are so fit and they don't seem give much efforts for their role. I think the director has previously imagined that her, her and him would be suit for the roles. Good choice, Gary Winick! 

How about its soundtracks? Yes, movie soundtracks also important to like or love a movie. Overall, Letters to Juliet has vigorous and vivid songs. I like it and "What If" from Colbie Caillat now is becoming my favorite.

Briefly, I like this movie.Watching it could make my weekend becomes happier.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Maroon Glitters

This title and address for my blog is somehow unpredictable, impromptu. Somehow it's quite difficult to find a suitable and at the same time available blog's name for me. I think this "Maroon Glitters" is somehow came to me. Well, I am a fans of glitters, yes, I am. Nevertheless, blue is the top of the above all my fave colors and maroon will follow subsequently. I think all people using blue as part of their blog's address so it's difficult to create something with blue clues. Still, Maroon Glitters sounds nice. Really nice for me. I hope I could come up with many interesting topics through Maroon Glitters ^_^.

Uhuuyy...Finally I have one

Ok, I am a little bit tacky right now, but I think its OK. Ha! since this is my first time creating a blog and I am extraordinary happy.Dunno whether this first project will be success, but who now anyway?

Let's see what's going happen next and Happy Sunday !