Sunday, September 2, 2012

When You Wish Upon a Star

I do remember when I was little hearing a song titled When You Wish Upon a Star.


When you wish upon a star
makes no difference who you are
anything your heart desires
will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
no request is too extreme
when you wish upon a star
as dreamers do

Faith is kind
she brings to those who love
the sweet fulfillment of
their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
fate steps in and sees you through
when you wish upon a star
your dreams come true

Faith is kind
she brings to those who love
the sweet fulfillment of
their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
fate steps in and sees you through
when you wish upon a star
your dreams come true

credit : to its owner


Apparently the song was sung first in Pinocchio movie. I like the song very much, even though I did not fully understand the whole lyrics, due to language barrier at that time but I did already understand the point of this song.

Now, of course I can understand the whole meaning of the lyrics, and thus I keep on remembering it, as one of my motivation song. Though I am not a child anymore, I am still having the same faith as my childhood moments, that our dreams will come true if we truly wish for it and do our best good effort to grab it.

I found out that good childhood memory is becoming one of my strength to face today sometimes-freaky-adult-times ^^.

So my friends, for all of our dreams, I will say : Bon courage! All the best! Semangat! Faiting! Ganbatte!

and God bless you abundantly.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I am sure lots of people enjoy chatting, either discreetly or not. I myself already tried to chat since around 2003, when I was in university and my point of view regarding chatting are as following:

1. Sometimes we become insomnia, we do not aware of time already spend for chatting. In other words if you enjoy chatting, you will spend lots of time unconscionably.

2. There are no boundaries. We can meet everyone from different places (countries, even continent), boy or girl, old and young, good and bad people. So we must really aware of the consequences. Usually we can easily find people with sex orientation topics. If we do not like this kind of topics, directly shoot them down.

3. With technology which enable us speaking or chatting with people from other parts of the world, often people forget that the most important thing is to build relationship and maintain it in real world, because this is the real life one! Indeed people could build friendship through internet, however it will not become real if we do not maintain it in reality. Someone proofed as a good friend once difficult things happen and he sticks there to assist. That is the real friendship.

The above are just few points of chatting from me. Anyone wish to add more points? Let me know :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Spending the Time

I am wondering on why I often carelessly spending my time.

Its not that I am lazy, but its just sometimes I carry out other things compared to previous schedule/plans. This is RIDICULOUS and endanger me. I wonder on why I keep on repeating the same mistakes. I know that I have to spend time wisely, but somehow I keep on wasting it again and again. In example, I am browsing too much at certain free websites (reading for interesting updated news) for the whole week (yes, the whole week) instead of replaying important emails and looking for new job vacancies. Bad girl!

Arrgghh,,,What a mess! I do really need to seriously focus and wisely spend my time right now. Always remember that time could not move backwards.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When Plans Did Not Work Out

For my case not only one plan did not work out, but lots of plans did not work out. Hahahahaaa,,,what a life!

I received many, many, and many rejections during the entire of my life, let say it actually started when I was still studying at Senior High School, during applying for jobs, etc. I will not write the details of the rejection, but I will share few points I get so far :

I have learned that life requires determination.
I have learned that whatever happen, tomorrow will come and today will become past.
I have learned to let go off something that does not meant for me, though previously I hardly chased for it.
I have learned that the ones who support not only during good time, but also during the bad time are treasures.
I have learned to keep on studying thorough the entire life, including to conquer the pain and the feeling of scared.
I have learned that time has magical power.
It is our choose to stand up and to continue living the life.
If plan A did not work out, there are plan B and C and D until Z, the chances are always there.
Life is full of surprises and no one knows what will happen in the future, so always appreciate and enjoy life.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Losing Someone

It always hurts to be separated from our dear ones. Some separation happen for awhile and some others last forever. When separation means forever, it is choking off.

People often said when someone passed away that the person actually does not leave us, even closer. Though is now becoming invisible, we can still feel his presence. Perhaps people right, but one thing for sure is that the pain will always occur.  Nonetheless, pain is part of life and when dealing with it, people often just realized how precious life is and how grateful we are to meet and know the late person during his life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Banana, Orange and Butterfly

It's funny to know that butterflies actually also like to eat fruits. Haha,,,,Am I the one who late to know this or perhaps people also do not aware of this matter? :) Frankly speaking, I do not know whether butterflies indeed eat those fruits or just take its juice.  Perhaps the last one.

I like to watch butterflies. They are beautiful creation. For me, the most interesting part about butterfly is that they come from totally different shape and must undergo hard process of releasing their body and wings from cocoon to be able to soaring into the sky. It shows the process of life, that all creatures should face their difficulties, and evolve to become mature and beautiful.

Not only butterfly' wings beautiful, but also its cocoons. Though not all cocoon are beautiful. I was realized that there are various color of cocoon, start from chocolate, green, even the golden colored cocoon also exist. I saw that during my visit to one of South East Asia's zoo which has Butterfly Park. Can you guest it? ^^ OK, let's check the picture of butterflies enjoying bananas and oranges .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Looking for a job in Jakarta

Indonesia is a land where lots of jobs opportunities available there in. Especially in big cities, such as Jakarta (the capital city), Surabaya (trading city), Balikpapan (oil, migas), Medan (trading). Additionally, Indonesia definitely is not lacking for human resources, for we are on the 4th rank country with most population,yet sometimes question occur, asking on why there are still lots of people unemployed.

I will write in simple-general term only, and for Jakarta overview only, because job hunting is not a simple issue here. Okay, mostly companies are having difficulty to hire new employees. For people who do not know much about Indonesia, you should know that living costs in Indonesia, especially its big cities is considered on high side. Including, of course, Jakarta as the capital city. Though foreigner often said that living costs in Indonesia is affordable, it is not equivalent with salary received by local. We can not compare salary based on US or Europe standard with Indonesia's standard, right? Even the currency rate already different. Should I mentioned that foreign workers usually have different scale of salary? Okay, I already mentioned it. Therefore salary often becomes crucial point to determine working agreement in Jakarta. If job hunter could not find the desired jobs, they usually find it on other cities or even abroad when the expected salary is higher and could adequately support living cost.

Further, qualification required by company sometimes could not match with the candidates. Not that Indonesian have no good skills and knowledge, but because of some jobs require high qualification. On the other side, high education is not at cheap price here which causes not all Indonesian could enjoy good education. Surely education is vital to enable Indonesian competes within global working environment or even in Jakarta as home for hundreds of job opportunities.

Anyone has other/different comments? please do let me know :)